Insure effective communications, cooperation, and resources with all UMM organizations.
Promote The Upper Room Prayer Ministry.
Update the Andrews Chapel UMM Constitution.
Update the Andrews Chapel UMM By-Laws.
Develop the Vision and Mission of the Andrews Chapel UMM
Vision of the Andrews Chapel UMM
To offer the spiritual leadership in the Andrews Chapel, we make a commitment: Encourage the spiritual growth of every man in the Andrews Chapel.
Encourage every member to support our pastor through prayer and service.
To give a top priority to the young people in the Andrews Chapel and to seek and equip adults to lead young people into Christian adulthood.
Mission of the Andrews Chapel UMM
“Building Servant Leaders for Christ”
The United Methodist Men of the Andrews Chapel shall serve Andrews Chapel, support the mission of the Griffin District UMM, assist men to know Jesus Christ, to serve Him, to grow spiritually and seek daily to do his will
Our UMM Commitment:
– Seek daily Christ’s way of life through prayer and Bible reading;
– Bear witness to this way in my daily work and all personal contacts through my words and actions;
– Engage in some definite Christian service by recognizing that I work in partnership with God in the stewardship of my life.
By-Laws and Constitution of Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church United Methodist Men (UMM)
The business for this unit shall be conducted in an orderly manner according to the Constitution and By-Laws. At the discretion of the President, major issues may be decided in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article III UMM Committees
A. General Membership Committee (GMC): This committee includes all men of the church and non members who desire to participate in UMM activities. The GMC plans and organizes UMM activities.
B. Executive Board (EB): The EB consists of elected officers, the lay leader, a representative of the clergy (at their discretion), representatives of men’s groups or ministries, and at-large members as determined necessary by the GMC. It meets at the call of the President, pastor, or as often as it deems necessary. The EB evaluates how well UMM is ministering to the needs of the membership. It meets, as required, between GMC meetings to transact interim business. However, all transacting must be approved by the unit at its next regular or special meeting.
C. Ad-Hoc Committees: Committees may be designated by the EB to administer various UMM programs, activities and special events. They may be standing or temporary committees. The leader of each ad-hoc committee will be a member of the EB.
D. Nominating: The UMM Nominating Committee shall be selected from the general membership by the EB prior to the annual meeting of the GMC. It shall consist of five persons, led by the lay leader. The committee shall present its slate of officers and chairmen of all standing committees prior to elections at the annual (3rd quarter) business meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
Article IV Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Andrews Chapel Unit of UMM will normally be held on the Saturday before the second Sunday of each month at a place and time to be determined by the President and the EB (reference Constitution, Article IX).
Article V Voting Procedures
Voting in an election for officers shall be by general acclamation unless the EB determines secret ballot is required. Voting on all other matters at GMC or EB meetings shall be by voice vote or show of hands.
Article VI Vacancy
When a vacancy occurs in an office or a committee, it shall be filled by the President in consultation with the EB.
Article VII Amendments
The by-laws may be amended at any GMC meeting by a two-thirds vote of all members present if notice of such proposed amendment is given at least 10 days in advance.