CHILDREN AGES: Birth – 2 years 

Nursery Director_Shevon_Nixon2

Jesus Loves Me This I Know! And we begin early sharing the live of Jesus with our children. Our job is to create the foundation upon which your 

child’s spiritual beliefs will flourish. Your child’s time with us is filled with hugs and encouragement and music and play.We are a Safe Sanctuary 

church which provides love and creates a foundation for spiritual growth for our youngest members. Our Nursery is staffed with loving, trained employees and volunteers who want to share this special time with your child. Childcare is available as follows:

Sunday mornings from 9:15-12:00;Bentley2

Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:15. (Extended care is available for parents who participate in a small group or choir.);
Special meetings and Bible study groups when special arrangements for childcare have been made for at least 3 or more children.


