Welcome to Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church of Jonesboro, Georgia. If you are looking for a church home, continue to browse the information on our website. Please visit us at our home site in Jonesboro!
Our Mission
The Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church is a fellowship of believers called to witness to our faith and to make disciples for Jesus Christ from among our family, friends, acquaintances, and others in the Jonesboro and Clayton areas and wherever we may be.
Church Profile
Andrews Chapel was founded in 1875 at a brush arbor on Spring Street in the city of Jonesboro, Clayton County, Georgia. Over the years, the Church has served as a dynamic force in Clayton County. Her impact in ministry continues to be felt, and even more so in the last several years. The Clayton County community is growing and the Church is also experiencing a dynamic burst of growth. We take seriously our Lord’s Great Commission to “ Go and Make Disciples.” At more than 130 years of Kingdom building and gospel spreading, we shall not or cannot forget how far the Lord has brought us! Our blessed church continues to be a place of spiritual instruction and inspiration to all who thirst after God’s goodness and his mercy. We shout praises to God that we’re still here as a witness of his grace and love.